General terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions of Use of the Nap&Up Website, as well as the services offered.

Nap & Up SAS, the company, offers nap space rentals and well-being-related services. A comprehensive list of services is available on the Nap&Up website:

The service recipients are businesses aiming to provide their employees with a moment of well-being. The users are individuals who utilize Nap&Up services, such as employees of the aforementioned businesses.

ARTICLE 1 : Object

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (onwards referred to as GTCU) is to have a legal regulation regarding the terms in which the services of the website (onwards referred to as « the Website ») are available and their usage by « the User ».

The access to and the usage of the Website are subject to the acceptation and respect of these GTCU by the User, whatever the purpose of his visit may be. By visiting this Website and/or by using it, the User is presumed to have read these GTCU, to fully understand them and to accept the dispositions entirely, without limitations and unreservedly.

  • In case one does not accept the general terms and conditions defined in this contract, the User must give up having access to the services provided by the Website.
  • reserves the right to change the content of these GTCU unilaterally and at any point given in time. To be informed of potential modifications, the User must refer to the newest version of the GTCU available on the Website before using the Website services. The usage of the Website will be subject the GTCU in effect at that time. reserves the right to change the content of these GTCU unilaterally and at any point given in time. To be informed of potential modifications, the User must refer to the newest version of the GTCU available on the Website before using the Website services. The usage of the Website will be subject the GTCU in effect at that time. reserves the right to change the content of these GTCU unilaterally and at any point given in time. To be informed of potential modifications, the User must refer to the newest version of the GTCU available on the Website before using the Website services. The usage of the Website will be subject the GTCU in effect at that time.

ARTICLE 2 : Legal notices is edited by Nap&Up, Simplified Joint Stock Company with a solvency capital of 6 000€ whose head office is at 45 rue des Pavillons, 92800, Puteaux.

RCS : 824 004 485

The director of publication is Mrs Desclée de Maredsous Camille.

The hosting of the internet site is carried out by Amen SASU, 14 Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées Marcel-Dessault, 75008, Paris. RCS : 421 527 797 000 11 – Company with a share capital of 37 000€.

+ simplified Cnil declaration number, in case of customer data collection (not mandatory, but recommended).

ARTICLE 3 : Definitions

The purpose of this clause is to define the different terms that are essential to the contract :

  • User : this term designates any peron who uses the Website or one of the services offered by the Website.
  • User content : the data transmitted by the user within the Website.

ARTICLE 4 : Access to services

The Website gives the User free access to the following services :

  • information articles
  • presentation of the Nap&Up company Nap&Up
  • quote request
  • taking contact with Nap&Up

The Website is freely accessible to any web user, natural or legal person who accesses, visits and/or uses the Website, regardless of the network or the means used (onward referred to as the « User »). All costs associated with accessing the Website and its contents, as well as their use, let it be equipment, software or internet costs are exclusively the User’s responsability.

The Website does its best to assure a quality acces to its services. The Website is obliged to implement the necessary measured to assure a quality access but not to succeed.

Nap&Up shall not be held liable for any event due to force majeure resulting in the malfunction of the network or the server.

The access to the services can be interrupted, suspended or amended at any time and without prior notice for maintenance or any other reason. The User complies to not asking any indemnity following the interruption, suspension or amendment of this contract.

The access to the services can be interrupted, suspended or amended at any time and without prior notice for maintenance or any other reason. The User complies to not asking any indemnity following the interruption, suspension or amendment of this contract.

The User can contact the Website by e-mail at

ARTICLE 5 : Customer data recovery

Registering to the booking service of a Nap&Up nap is free and allows the User to :

  • book a nap
  • cancel a nap
  • have access to the studios

Nap&Up commits to not using the e-mail address for any other purpose such as a newsletter, e-mails, flyers and to not communicating the information to a third party.

ARTICLE 6 : Intellectual property

This entire Website is conditionned by international copyright legislations, trademark rights and in broad terms intellectual property with regard to each element of its content (texts, pictures, information, drawings, graphics, photos and soundtracks, meta tags, source codes…), with regard to its form (choice, plan, arrangement of its contents, means of accessing data, organisation of data…). These contents, featured on the web page, are Nap&Up’s exclusive property.

The name Nap&Up is a registered trademark by Nap&Up. Any representation and/or copying and/or partial or complete exploitation of this brand, of whatever nature, is entirely prohibited.

Any representation and/or copying, partially or completely, of pages, data, HTML tags and of any other constituant element of the web page, by whatever procedure or medium, is prohibited. Without clear prior consent by the editor, this is defined as counterfeiting and is punishable by the articles L335-2 and onwards of the Code de Propriété Intellectuelle.

Using the Website does by no means give the User a right of property or a right of intellectual property on the Website and/or on the contents and elements present on the Website with the exception of having a personal access right, free and non exclusive, exclusively limited to consulting the Website and its contents and elements. Any partial or complete reproduction of this brand and its logos, based on elements of the website and without clear prior consent by Nap&Up is prohibited, under the article L713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, using the content of the Website, or the Website itself for illegal purposes will be subject to legal proceedings of the offenders.

Any reproduction, representation, diffusion or rediffusion, partially or completely, of the contents of the Website by whatever procedure or medium, as well as any selling, reselling, retransmission or putting at someone’s disposal the contents of the Website are prohibited. Not respecting this prohibition is considered counterfeit prone to engage the civil and penal liability of the offenders.

ARTICLE 7 : Responsability and force majeure

The information sources shared on the Website are reputed to be reliable. Nonetheless, the Website reserves the right to not guarantee the reliability of the sources. The information given on the Website is for informative purposes only. Thus, the User takes responsability for the information and content of the Website he/she uses.

If the User’s use of the service causes direct or indirect dammages, the User must compensate Nap&Up.

An optimum guarantee of data security and confidentiality transmitted is not provided by the Website. Nonetheless, the Website commits to implementing the necessary measures to guarantee the best data safety and confidentiality.

The Website can not be held responsible in case of force majeure or of an unpredictable or insurmountable occurrence by a third party.

ARTICLE 8 : Hyperlinks

The Website can contain hyperlinks to websites operated by a third party. These links are given for informative purposes only, they are not governed by the present Personnal information protection policy. Nap&Up therefore invites you to examine the rules regarding personnal data applicable to those websites. Nap&Up has no control over the contents of those third party websites and declines all responsability regarding the access, the consultation of contents, advertisements, products, services or any other information or data available on or from those websites as well as the use of those websites. The decison to activate those hyperlinks is your own responsability. Nap&Up will not be held responsible for any proven or alleged dammages or loss consequential of or related to using or having trusted the contents, the services or products available on those websites.

You are not authorized to create a hyperlink towards the Website. The establishement of hyperlinks from a third party website towards the Website needs Nap&Up’s prior express consent, which can be sollicited by e-mail at the following address :

ARTICLE 9 : Social networks

The Website uses the following socail networks’ plug-ins :

Facebook®, operated by Facebok Inc., whose head office is at 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States (« Facebook ») ;
Twitter®, operated by Twitter Inc. ; whose head office is at 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Fransisco, CA 94103, United States (« Twitter ») ;
Instagram®, operated by Instagram Inc., whose head office is at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States (« Instagram »).
LinkedIn®, operated by LinkedIn Ireland, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.
When you interact by using these plug-ins, your web browser establishes a direct connection with the web server of the corresponding social network. The content of the plug-in is instantly transmitted by your web browser to the social network and saved in its web servers. By integrating this plug-in, the social network is informed that you have visiting our Website. It can thereby associate your web browsing on the Website to your account on that social network. If you do not want the social network to collect your data through the Website, you must sign out of that social network before visiting the Website. If you are not a member of the social network, it is nonetheless possible that it can recover and save personnal data about you, such as your IP address.

Either way, Nap&Up has no control over the exact content of the collected data. The use of the plug-ins is exclusively operated by Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and governed by the general terms and conditions of these social networks available at the following addresses :

For Facebook : ;
For Twitter : ;
For Instagram :
For LinkedIn :
Facebook® is a registered trademark and belongs exclusively to Facebook Inc.

Twitter® is a registered trademark and belongs exclusively to Twitter Inc.

Instagram® is a registered trademark and belongs exclusively to Instagram Inc.

LinkedIn® is a registered trademark and belongs exclusively to LinkedIn Corporation.

ARTICLE 10 : Evolution of the contract

The Website reserves the right to modify the clauses stipulated in this contract at any given time.

ARTICLE 11 : Duration

The duration of this contract is undetermined. The contract takes effect the moment the User starts using the service.

ARTICLE 12 : Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These GTCU are exclusively governed by the French law.

ARTICLE 13 : Contact

For any information or reporting of illicit contents or activities, the User can contact Nap&Up by e-mail at the following address : or by post at the following address : Nap&Up, 45 rue des Pavillons, 92800, Puteaux.